
How Did I Get Here?

This is the question I’ve been asking myself all week. This wasn’t part of the plan. It’s not what I expected. But life is good like that, throwing an indefinite number of curveballs to keep you on your toes!

How did I get here?!

So, why am I asking this question? This week, I’ve been asked to share part of myself, to share my journey with students interested in careers in the creative arts. I feel privileged to be in a position to do this, but if I’m honest, it’s been hard. Really hard. Hard because I realize that reflecting positively is not my greatest strength. Hard because I have to say: I am shy, I am a shrinking violet who will stay in the corner and do what needs to be done. Hard because I do not relish the attention, and I rarely celebrate achievements. Hard because I am a person whose heart races with fear when the spotlight is shone upon her.

But, here I am this week – me, Ayesha, shining the light on myself! Sharing and celebrating a version of me I never believed I could be, in a place I never expected to be. Here I am – an artist, a mother, an educator, and a mentor – and now I know how I got here.

I am here because this is what I had always dreamed of, but I never believed it was possible. Being uncomfortable forced me to travel the road that I always dreamed of as a young child.

I am here because I acknowledged the reasons for the challenges I’ve faced along the way: the discomfort, self-doubt, the external pressures, the moments when I’ve wanted to give up.

I am here because I stopped. I stopped ignoring, I stopped resisting, and I let go. I let go of judgment, I let go of expectation, and started to listen to me, listen to my heart, listen to my childhood dreams.

I am here because I stopped believing what Paulo Coelho describes in “The Alchemist” as the world’s greatest lie. What is the lie, you ask? “It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”

I am here because I finally realised the curve balls always came when I was lost, when I was not on the right path to my dreams. They allowed me to adjust accordingly. The greatest mistakes I made were to resist.

I am here out of a sheer need to find peace amidst the chaos of life. I am here because I believe in the power of nurturing creativity and finding moments of calm in the fast-paced whirlwind of modern life. Most of all, I am here because I started to believe in magic, like a young child, and see the wonder in our magnificent world. As it is written in the Alchemist: “Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is. At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their Personal Legend.”

Today I see with the vision of a young child!

Today, step into my light to share my journey of reflection, where shaping clay isn’t just about creating art, but has been a vehicle that has got me to a peaceful place and guided me to a better understanding of the secret of life, that secret is to be like clay, malleable and adaptable able to take the pressure of every pinch, every squeeze, and every roll, and when taken out of the fire, be stronger and more resilient with a new purpose.

As I write this post, I enter this next phase of my life, with knowledge and understanding of who I really am. I prepare myself for the greatest gift of life, to travel from place to place physically, spiritually, and mentally. I open myself up to the endless possibilities, new avenues to explore, and opportunities for growth. Like the ball of clay, the pencil, the paintbrush, I walk in faith allowing my imagination to be king and my visions to be my guide, embracing the unknown with faith, an open heart and open mind, ready to sculpt, paint and draw my dreams into reality, one mindful moment at a time.

So here I am, and you are here with me. Thank you!

Whether you’re an artist, a parent, a student, or someone simply curious, I hope you’ll find inspiration and warmth in this space. Here’s to the future – to embracing the unknown with open arms, to walking in faith. To self-discovery, creativity, and connection. To following our passions wherever they may lead, and to finding joy and fulfillment in every pinch, every roll

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